New bowling score tabulation program release

#This program is for calculating of bowling-score
#Average in this year, monthly
#High game top3
#Input data is CSV file that format "No. of game, date, score"
import ui
import csv
thisYear = 2025 #年が変わったら更新
gNum = 0 #game num.
dnum = 0 #Num. of data
top1 = 0 #Top score = Highest
top2 = 0 #Second score
top3 = 0 #3rd score
top1_3g = 0 #Top1 of Total-3games
top2_3g = 0 #Top2 of Total-3games
top3_3g = 0 #Top3 of Total-3games
totalGameNum = 0
G_MAX = 2000 #Max. game nums
gNumLst = [0] * G_MAX #game num. list
dateLst = [0] * G_MAX #Date List
scoreLst = [0] * G_MAX #Score List
sumScYear = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] #for Sum of score in year 2020.2022.....2027
gNumYear = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] #for Num. of game in year 2020.2022.....2027
monScData = [[0] * 12 for i in range(8)] #Sum. score for each month
monGnData = [[0] * 12 for i in range(8)] #Num. of game for each month
aveMonth = [0] * 12
ret = [('','','')] * G_MAX * 4 #add *4 2021/8/25
#Display Total Game Num.
def displayTotalGameNum():
totalNum.text = str(totalGameNum)
def displayTotal3gHS():
highsg1.text = str(top1_3g)
highsg2.text = str(top2_3g)
highsg3.text = str(top3_3g)
def displayHighScore():
highs1.text = str(top1)
highs2.text = str(top2)
highs3.text = str(top3)
def displayThisYearData():
n = thisYear - 2020
ave = format(sumScYear[n]/gNumYear[n], '.1f') #Average in this year
aveY.text = str(ave)
def displayYearsData():
for i in range(0,7):
if gNumYear[i] != 0:
ave = format(sumScYear[i]/gNumYear[i], '.1f')
if i == 0:
ave2020.text = str(ave)
elif i == 1:
ave2021.text = str(ave)
elif i == 2:
ave2022.text = str(ave)
elif i == 3:
ave2023.text = str(ave)
elif i == 4:
ave2024.text = str(ave)
elif i == 5:
ave2025.text = str(ave)
elif i == 6:
ave2026.text = str(ave)
elif i == 7:
ave2027.text = str(ave)
#Display Average of month in this year
def displayMonthAve():
for m in range(12):
if aveMonth[m] != 0:
if m == 0:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[0])
elif m == 1:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[1])
elif m == 2:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[2])
elif m == 3:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[3])
elif m == 4:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[4])
elif m == 5:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[5])
elif m == 6:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[6])
elif m == 7:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[7])
elif m == 8:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[8])
elif m == 9:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[9])
elif m == 10:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[10])
elif m == 11:
aveM1.text = str(aveMonth[11])
#Calc. Month Data
#Only this year
def calcMonthData():
for m in range(12):
gn = monGnData[thisYear-2020][m]
if gn != 0:
aveMonth[m] = format(monScData[thisYear-2020][m] / gn, '.1f')
def setYearsData(str_d, sc):
if str_d.startswith('2020') == True: #2020?
sumScYear[0] = sumScYear[0] + sc
gNumYear[0] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2021
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[0][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[0][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2021') == True: #2021?
sumScYear[1] = sumScYear[1] + sc
gNumYear[1] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2021
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[1][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[1][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2022') == True: #2022?
sumScYear[2] = sumScYear[2] + sc
gNumYear[2] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2022
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[2][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[2][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2023') == True: #2023?
sumScYear[3] = sumScYear[3] + sc
gNumYear[3] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2023
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[3][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[3][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2024') == True: #2024?
sumScYear[4] = sumScYear[4] + sc
gNumYear[4] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2024
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[4][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[4][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2025') == True: #2025?
sumScYear[5] = sumScYear[5] + sc
gNumYear[5] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2025
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[5][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[5][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2026') == True: #2026?
sumScYear[6] = sumScYear[6] + sc
gNumYear[6] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2026
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[6][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[6][int(mon)-1] += 1
if str_d.startswith('2027') == True: #2027?
sumScYear[7] = sumScYear[7] + sc
gNumYear[7] += 1 #Renew Num. of Game in 2027
mon = str_d[4:6] #set Month
monScData[7][int(mon)-1] += sc #Renew sum_score of each month
monGnData[7][int(mon)-1] += 1
print(sumScYear, gNumYear)
def setTotal3g(nd1, nd2, nd3):
global top1_3g,top2_3g,top3_3g
tsc = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 #Total
if top3_3g < tsc:
if top2_3g < tsc:
if top1_3g < tsc:
top3_3g = top2_3g
top2_3g = top1_3g
top1_3g = tsc
top3_3g = top2_3g
top2_3g = tsc
top3 = tsc
def setHighScore(sc):
global top1,top2,top3
if top3 < sc:
if top2 < sc:
if top1 < sc:
top3 = top2
top2 = top1
top1 = sc
top3 = top2
top2 = sc
top3 = sc
def readData():
global gNum
global ret
global totalGameNum
count3 = 0
ts3g = [0,0,0]
fr = open("bs2025.csv") #open file
rp = csv.reader(fr) #for read csv
for rd in rp:
print(rd) #rd[0]=NO., rd[1]=date, rd[2]=score
if rd == []:
if gNum > G_MAX: #check Max num.(for mem.)
#print(rd[0], rd[1], rd[2])
ret[(gNum)*4] = rd[0] #for check
ret[(gNum)*4+1] = rd[1] #for check
ret[(gNum)*4+2] = rd[2]
gNumLst[gNum] = rd[0] #set game num. list
dateLst[gNum] = rd[1] #set date list
scoreLst[gNum] = rd[2] #set score list
setHighScore(int(rd[2])) #Set HighScore
setYearsData(rd[1], int(rd[2])) #Set sum of Score in year
gNum += 1
if gNum >= 3: #ちょっとごまかし
if dateLst[gNum-2] == dateLst[gNum-1]:
ts3g[0] = int(scoreLst[gNum-3])
ts3g[1] = int(scoreLst[gNum-2])
ts3g[2] = int(scoreLst[gNum-1])
count3 += 1
count3 = 0
if count3 == 2: #3games?
setTotal3g(ts3g[0], ts3g[1], ts3g[2])
count3 = 0
totalGameNum = gNum
return ret
#Write New Data Proc.
#without checking valid data
#valid or not should be check in caller
def writeData(ndate, nd):
global gNum
print("gNum before write=", gNum, ndate, nd)
fw = open('bs2025.csv','a')
wp = csv.writer(fw,lineterminator='\n')
ad_data = ['','','',''] #append data: GameNum, Date, Score
gNumLst[gNum] = ad_data[0] = str(gNum+1)
dateLst[gNum] = ad_data[1] = ndate
scoreLst[gNum] = ad_data[2] = str(nd)
setYearsData(ad_data[1], int(nd)) #Set sum of Score in year
gNum += 1 #increment here. because for display 0 to g_num-1
print("game num after write=",gNum) #for check
print("add data=", ad_data[0],ad_data[1],ad_data[2]) #for check
def ExcecProc(sender):
res = 0 #input data is OK
dnum = #init. data num.
nd1 = nd_sc1.text #set new data1
nd2 = nd_sc2.text #set new data2
nd3 = nd_sc3.text #set new data3
if nd1.isdecimal() == False or nd2.isdecimal() == False or nd3.isdecimal() == False:
msg = 'One or more are not decimal'
err_msg.txt = msg
res = -1
return res
if nd1 == '' or nd2 == '' or nd3 == '': #One or more are blank?
msg = 'One or more are blank!'
err_msg.text = msg
res = -10
return res
if int(nd1) == 0 or int(nd2) == 0 or int(nd3) == 0: #One or more are zero?
msg = 'One or more are zero!'
err_msg.text = msg
res = -20
return res
if int(nd1) != 999 and int(nd1) > 300:
res = -30
if int(nd2) != 999 and int(nd2) > 300:
res = -40
if int(nd3) != 999 and int(nd3) > 300:
res = -50
if res < 0:
msg = 'One or more are over 300'
err_msg.text = msg
return res
#Read Date
regdate = nd_date.text #input reg. date
if int(nd1) != 999:
writeData(regdate, nd1) #with set_highScore
dnum += 1
if int(nd2) != 999:
writeData(regdate, nd2) #with set_highScore
dnum += 1
if int(nd3) != 999:
writeData(regdate, nd3) #with set_highScore
dnum += 1
if(dnum == 3): #3game in a day?
setTotal3g(int(nd1), int(nd2), int(nd3))
displayTotalGameNum() #Renew Total Game Num.
v = ui.load_view()
nd_sc1 = v['tf_sc1'] #Input Score1 in text field
nd_sc2 = v['tf_sc2'] #Input Score2 in text field
nd_sc3 = v['tf_sc3'] #Input Score3 in text field
nd_date = v['tf_date'] #Input Score1 in text field
err_msg = v['tf_msg'] #for display error message
aveY = v['tf_avY'] #Average in this year
aveM1 = v['tf_avM1'] #average of Jan. in this year
aveM2 = v['tf_avM2'] #average of Feb. in this year
aveM3 = v['tf_avM3'] #average of Mar. in this year
aveM4 = v['tf_avM4'] #average of Apr. in this year
aveM5 = v['tf_avM5'] #average of May. in this year
aveM6 = v['tf_avM6'] #average of Jun. in this year
aveM7 = v['tf_avM7'] #average of Jul. in this year
aveM8 = v['tf_avM8'] #average of Aug. in this year
aveM9 = v['tf_avM9'] #average of Sep. in this year
aveM10 = v['tf_avM10'] #average of Oct. in this year
aveM11 = v['tf_avM11'] #average of Nov. in this year
aveM12 = v['tf_avM12'] #average of Dec. in this year
highs1 = v['tf_hs1'] #High Score No.1
highs2 = v['tf_hs2'] #High Score No.2
highs3 = v['tf_hs3'] #High Score No.3
highsg1 = v['tf_hs3g1'] #High Score of 3 game No.1
highsg2 = v['tf_hs3g2'] #High Score of 3 game No.2
highsg3 = v['tf_hs3g3'] #High Score of 3 game No.3
ave2020 = v['tf_2020av'] #Average in 2020
ave2021 = v['tf_2021av'] #Average in 2021
ave2022 = v['tf_2022av'] #Average in 2022
ave2023 = v['tf_2023av'] #Average in 2023
ave2024 = v['tf_2024av'] #Average in 2024
ave2025 = v['tf_2025av'] #Average in 2025
ave2026 = v['tf_2026av'] #Average in 2026
ave2027 = v['tf_2027av'] #Average in 2027
totalNum = v['tf_TotalNum']
r_data = readData() #read csv-file and set data

.py, .pyui, .csvファイルを添付の予定です。