Program of Calc. Golf h-cap update
- import ui
- import csv
- R_MAX = 200
- hc_lst = [0] * R_MAX #list of handicap
- r_num = (-1) #num. of round
- #Table of adj. and how to calc.
- #adjust = -2,-1,0,1,2
- #how to calc. =
- # 0 =scrach
- # 1 =18th/2
- # 2 =18th
- # 3 =18th+17th/2
- # 4 =18th+17th
- # 5 =18th+17th+16th/2
- # 6 =18th+17th+16t
- # 7 =18th+17th+16th+15th/2
- # 8 =18th+17th+16th+15th
- # 9 =18th+17th+16th+15th+14th/2
- # 10 =18th+17th+16th+15th+14th
- s_tbl = [ [0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[-2,1],[-1,1],[0,1], #70-75
- [-2,2],[-1,2],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2], #76-80
- [-2,3],[-1,3],[0,3],[1,3],[2,3], #81-85
- [-2,4],[-1,4],[0,4],[1,4],[2,4], #86-90
- [-2,5],[-1,5],[0,5],[1,5],[2,5], #91-95
- [-2,6],[-1,6],[0,6],[1,6],[2,6], #96-100
- [-2,7],[-1,7],[0,7],[1,7],[2,7], #101-105
- [-2,8],[-1,8],[0,8],[1,8],[2,8], #106-110
- [-2,9],[-1,9],[0,9],[1,9],[2,9], #111-115
- [-2,10],[-1,10],[0,10],[1,10],[2,10]] #116-120
- s_lst = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- bs_lst = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- sorted = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- #Two-dimensional arrays should be inclusive notation
- #”sc_lst = [[0]*20] * R_MAX” is NG
- sc_lst = [[0]*20 for _ in range(R_MAX)]
- s0_lst = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- newdata = [(‘ ‘) * 80] #4char.x 20
- #for test data
- cal69 = [ ‘3’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’2′,’3′,’4′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’6′,’2′,’3′,’5′]
- cal70 = [ ‘3’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’2′,’3′,’4′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’7′,’2′,’3′,’5′]
- cal75 = [ ‘5’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’2′,’3′,’4′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’8′,’2′,’3′,’7′]
- cal76 = [ ‘5’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’2′,’3′,’4′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’9′,’2′,’3′,’7′]
- cal85 = [ ’10’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’3′,’3′,’9′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’8′,’2′,’2′,’7′]
- cal89 = [ ’10’,’4′,’5′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’3′,’3′,’9′,
- ‘5’,’6′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’8′,’2′,’2′,’11’]
- #ManaGolf
- cal101 = [‘6′,’5′,’2′,’5′,’6′,’5′,’5′,’6′,’6’,
- ‘6’,’3′,’5′,’7′,’8′,’5′,’8′,’8′,’5′]
- bst1 = 200 #max score is 200.
- bst2 = 200
- bst3 = 200
- rnd_lst = [200] * R_MAX #round score list
- def checkBestScore():
- global rnd_lst
- global bst1,bst2,bst3
- for i in range(0,R_MAX):
- if rnd_lst[i] < bst1: #best1?
- bst1 = rnd_lst[i]
- else:
- if rnd_lst[i] < bst2: #best2?
- bst2 = rnd_lst[i]
- else:
- if rnd_lst[i] < bst3: #best3?
- bst3 = rnd_lst[i]
- print(“best1,2,3=”,bst1,bst2,bst3)
- b1tf.text = str(bst1)
- b2tf.text = str(bst2)
- b3tf.text = str(bst3)
- def set_testdata():
- tf_lst = [h1tf,h2tf,h3tf,h4tf,h5tf,h6tf,h7tf,h8tf,h9tf,
- h10tf,h11tf,h12tf,h13tf,h14tf,h15tf,h16tf,h17tf,h18tf]
- for i in range(0,18):
- tf_lst[i].text = cal101[i]
- def calcHcap(lst):
- global sorted
- print(“before sort=”,lst)
- tscore = 0
- for i in range(0,18):
- tscore += lst[i]
- if tscore < 70: #if less than 70
- adj = 0
- cal = 0
- else:
- if tscore > 120:
- adj = 2
- cal = 10
- else:
- ts = tscore – 70
- adj = s_tbl[ts][0]
- cal = s_tbl[ts][1]
- print(“tscore=”,tscore)
- print(“adj_cal=”,adj,cal)
- lst.sort(reverse=True)
- print(“after sort=”,lst)
- if cal == 0:
- hcap = 0 + adj
- if cal == 1:
- hcap = s_lst[0] / 2 + adj
- if cal == 2:
- hcap = s_lst[0] + adj
- if cal == 3:
- hcap = round(s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] / 2 + adj)
- if cal == 4:
- hcap = s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + adj
- if cal == 5:
- hcap = round(s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] / 2 + adj)
- if cal == 6:
- hcap = s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] + adj
- if cal == 7:
- hcap = round(s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] + s_lst[3] / 2 + adj)
- if cal == 8:
- hcap = s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] + s_lst[3] + adj
- if cal == 9:
- hcap = round(s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] + s_lst[3] + s_lst[4] / 2 + adj)
- if cal == 10:
- hcap = s_lst[0] + s_lst[1] + s_lst[2] + s_lst[3] + s_lst[4] + adj
- print(“hcap=”, hcap)
- return hcap
- def makeAddData(hc):
- global r_num
- r_num += 1
- hc_lst[r_num-1] = hc #set handicap-list
- sc_lst[r_num-1][0] = r_num #set round num.
- for i in range(0,18): #set hole data
- sc_lst[r_num-1][i+1] = bs_lst[i]
- sc_lst[r_num-1][19] = hc
- def exeCalcHcap(sender):
- global r_num
- wdata = [”] * 20
- rnd_sc = 0 #round score
- bs_lst[0] = s_lst[0] = int(h1tf.text) #set hole1 score
- bs_lst[1] = s_lst[1] = int(h2tf.text) #set hole2 score
- bs_lst[2] = s_lst[2] = int(h3tf.text) #set hole3 score
- bs_lst[3] = s_lst[3] = int(h4tf.text) #set hole4 score
- bs_lst[4] = s_lst[4] = int(h5tf.text) #set hole5 score
- bs_lst[5] = s_lst[5] = int(h6tf.text) #set hole6 score
- bs_lst[6] = s_lst[6] = int(h7tf.text) #set hole7 score5
- bs_lst[7] = s_lst[7] = int(h8tf.text) #set hole8 score
- bs_lst[8] = s_lst[8] = int(h9tf.text) #set hole9 score
- bs_lst[9] = s_lst[9] = int(h10tf.text) #set hole10 score
- bs_lst[10] = s_lst[10] = int(h11tf.text) #set hole11 score
- bs_lst[11] = s_lst[11] = int(h12tf.text) #set hole12 score
- bs_lst[12] = s_lst[12] = int(h13tf.text) #set hole13 score
- bs_lst[13] = s_lst[13] = int(h14tf.text) #set hole14 score
- bs_lst[14] = s_lst[14] = int(h15tf.text) #set hole15 score
- bs_lst[15] = s_lst[15] = int(h16tf.text) #set hole16 score
- bs_lst[16] = s_lst[16] = int(h17tf.text) #set hole17 score
- bs_lst[17] = s_lst[17] = int(h18tf.text) #set hole18 score
- hc = calcHcap(s_lst)
- makeAddData(hc) #make new data to newdata
- lstdata = ui.ListDataSource(“”) #clear list
- lstdata.items = sc_lst #set items of score list
- hc_tv.data_source = lstdata #set source
- hc_tv.reload_data() #display data
- wdata[0] = str(r_num)
- for i in range(0,18):
- wdata[i+1] = sc_lst[r_num-1][i+1]
- wdata[19] = str(hc)
- print(“write data=”,wdata)
- writeData(wdata)
- for i in range(0,18):
- rnd_sc += s_lst[i]
- rnd_lst[r_num] = rnd_sc
- def writeData(wd):
- global r_num
- fw = open(‘g_hcap.csv’,’a’)
- wp = csv.writer(fw,lineterminator=’\n’)
- wp.writerow(wd)
- fw.close()
- def readCSV():
- global r_num
- fr = open(“g_hcap.csv”) #open file
- rp = csv.reader(fr) #for read csv
- for rd in rp:
- print(“csv=”,rd)
- r_num += 1 #increment round num.
- if r_num > R_MAX: #check Max num.(for mem.)
- print(“Over num. of round!”)
- r_num = R_MAX-1
- break
- rnd_sc = 0
- s0_lst[0] = int(rd[0]) #set round num.
- s_lst[0] = s0_lst[1] = int(rd[1]) #set hole1 score
- s_lst[1] = s0_lst[2] = int(rd[2]) #set hole2 score
- s_lst[2] = s0_lst[3] = int(rd[3]) #set hole3 score
- s_lst[3] = s0_lst[4] = int(rd[4]) #set hole4 score
- s_lst[4] = s0_lst[5] = int(rd[5]) #set hole5 score
- s_lst[5] = s0_lst[6] = int(rd[6]) #set hole6 score
- s_lst[6] = s0_lst[7] = int(rd[7]) #set hole7 score
- s_lst[7] = s0_lst[8] = int(rd[8]) #set hole8 score
- s_lst[8] = s0_lst[9] = int(rd[9]) #set hole9 score
- s_lst[9] = s0_lst[10] = int(rd[10]) #set hole10 score
- s_lst[10] = s0_lst[11] = int(rd[11]) #set hole11 score
- s_lst[11] = s0_lst[12] = int(rd[12]) #set hole12 score
- s_lst[12] = s0_lst[13] = int(rd[13]) #set hole13 score
- s_lst[13] = s0_lst[14] = int(rd[14]) #set hole14 score
- s_lst[14] = s0_lst[15] = int(rd[15]) #set hole15 score
- s_lst[15] = s0_lst[16] = int(rd[16]) #set hole16 score
- s_lst[16] = s0_lst[17] = int(rd[17]) #set hole17 score
- s_lst[17] = s0_lst[18] = int(rd[18]) #set hole18 score
- hc_lst[r_num] = s0_lst[19] = int(rd[19]) #set handicap
- for i in range(0,20):
- sc_lst[r_num][i] = s0_lst[i]
- for i in range(0,18):
- rnd_sc += s_lst[i]
- rnd_lst[r_num] = rnd_sc
- checkBestScore()
- r_num += 1 #set round num. (is not zero)
- fr.close() #close csv
- v = ui.load_view()
- v.present(‘sheet’)
- h1tf = v[‘textfield1’] #text field1 for hole1 score
- h2tf = v[‘textfield2’] #text field1 for hole2 score
- h3tf = v[‘textfield3’] #text field1 for hole3 score
- h4tf = v[‘textfield4’] #text field1 for hole4 score
- h5tf = v[‘textfield5’] #text field1 for hole5 score
- h6tf = v[‘textfield6’] #text field1 for hole6 score
- h7tf = v[‘textfield7’] #text field1 for hole7 score
- h8tf = v[‘textfield8’] #text field1 for hole8 score
- h9tf = v[‘textfield9’] #text field1 for hole9 score
- h10tf = v[‘textfield10’] #text field1 for hole10 score
- h11tf = v[‘textfield11’] #text field1 for hole11 score
- h12tf = v[‘textfield12’] #text field1 for hole12 score
- h13tf = v[‘textfield13’] #text field1 for hole13 score
- h14tf = v[‘textfield14’] #text field1 for hole14 score
- h15tf = v[‘textfield15’] #text field1 for hole15 score
- h16tf = v[‘textfield16’] #text field1 for hole16 score
- h17tf = v[‘textfield17’] #text field1 for hole17 score
- h18tf = v[‘textfield18’] #text field1 for hole18 score
- hc_tv = v[‘tableview1’] #table_view1 for display game_num
- b1tf = v[‘textfield19’] #text field1 for best1 score
- b2tf = v[‘textfield20’] #text field1 for best2 score
- b3tf = v[‘textfield21’] #text field1 for best3 score
- r_num = (-1)
- set_testdata()
- readCSV()

